A/B testing and experiment strategy for e-commerce

Experimenting with different types of information for the products to analyze how the conversion rate changes...

How an e-commerce could improve the conversion rate within a specific niche?

Role: Digital Strategist and Interaction Designer
Sector: E-commerce, Retail
Project time: 3 months
Status: Launched
Project Manager
Interaction Designer (Me)
Marketing Specialist
Google Analytics
Meta Business Manager

To validate eco-friendly product market hypotheses efficiently, our client engaged in ideation sessions. These sessions enabled us to develop comprehensive hypotheses and gather resources for a well-designed experiment. Utilizing A/B testing, we quantified customer decision-making by comparing traditional information and discount strategies (Path A) with specific environmental impact details (Path B). This experiment provided valuable UX insights on audience preferences, conversion rates, and retention. Iterating on the MVP based on these findings was crucial for aligning the product with user expectations and business objectives.

💡 Opportunity

To validate eco-conscious ecommerce hypotheses, data-driven insights were essential for product development. Despite initial beliefs, the lack of validation hindered progress. Our goal was to align the digital product with the needs of the environmentally conscious niche.

🧪 Experiment Goal

Experiments compared ecommerce scenarios and key topics based on client hypotheses. We aimed to identify information that improves conversion rates, average order value, and user behaviors. Insights from contrasting traditional ecommerce helped guide resource allocation for a meaningful product.

📊 Business goal

To validate hypotheses quickly, cost-effectively, and with confidence. This approach aimed to optimize MVP development, ensuring high conversion rates, perceived value, and user retention. By minimizing resource waste, particularly time and development budget, we aimed to maintain startup momentum.


Opportunity framing

In collaboration with the client-consultancy, we identified and framed key design-related hypotheses for validation. By deeply understanding their intentions and perspectives, we crafted a comparison experiment to confidently address uncertainties around the business model and value proposition of the digital product.



To prevent redundant experimentation, we conducted a comprehensive benchmark of both traditional and niche-specific marketplaces. This allowed us to identify existing practices and patterns. Additionally, we conducted one-on-one interviews with potential users from the target segment to inform the early concept development phase.



To prioritize and unravel uncertainty, we focused on key hypotheses related to business strategy. We started by understanding individual behavior before scaling our insights to address community dynamics and social triggers within our target niche. This ensured a clear direction and avoided ambiguity in our research process.


Concept & Strategy

Once we defined the key questions, we co-created an experiment strategy. A/B testing was chosen as the preferred method to compare performance and conversion rates across different scenarios. Wireframes were developed for both paths and pre-validation research with the target audience provided insights for concept refinement.

Additionally, we designed a fictitious brand to generate ads for website traffic, expanding data collection channels and enriching evaluation through triangulation with advertising metrics.


Design and execution

After finalizing the concept, website wireframes, and ads strategy, we utilized Webflow, a no-code platform, for swift prototyping and iterative development.

We prepared all essential resources for the experiment and established coherent goals for data and insights to guide our actions effectively.


Follow up and analysis

During the experiment, we diligently tracked daily metrics to confirm alignment with our expectations. Adjustments were made to ensure accurate data collection, identify unforeseen paths, and avoid biases.

We leveraged Google Analytics, Hotjar and Meta Ads Manager to triangulate data sources, extracting precise insights to answer questions and enrich our analysis.

Results & Conclusions

After concluding the experiment, we analyzed the data to assess alignment with stakeholder expectations. The results provided validated knowledge while also generating new questions and unforeseen aspects for deeper exploration through additional experiments.

Valuable insights emerged, particularly concerning segment-specific behavior and customization opportunities based on diverse customer triggers. These findings have implications for business strategy and product development.

Experiments play a vital role in building digital products. They provide user validation and help avoid lengthy and uncertain development processes. While I can't share specific details yet, the insights gained from experiments guide iterative refinement and ensure that real user behavior and interaction inform product development.


Building a successful digital product involves matching the context, capabilities, business goals, value propositions, and user needs in a unique way. Embracing experimentation as a company culture allows for rapid iteration and a well-grounded understanding of the context. Answering the right questions is key for prosperity, both for businesses and customers.

User experience and digital products extend beyond aesthetics, encompassing data analysis and uncovering the unknown. Experimentation enables companies to adapt and stay relevant as the market and users evolve.

💡 Strengthened soft skills
  • Leadership
  • Design and product strategy
  • Business strategy
  • Experimentation and future thinking
  • Opportunity and hypotheses framing
  • Stakeholder management
  • Users interviewing
⚙️ Strengthened hard skills
  • Html & CSS
  • Webflow
  • Responsive design
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Data analysis
  • Google Analytics
  • Meta Business Manager

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Made by me, in webflow.